- Product Description Laboratory Precision Biochemistry Incubator Coled Bod Refrigerated Incubator Uses: Apply to the production department of environmental stewardship, health and epidemic prevention drug tests, livestock, aquaculture and other research institutions. It is the dedicated thermostatic deviceofwater and BOD determination, bacteria, fungi, microorganisms cultivation, conservation, plant cultivation, breeding experiment. Сыпаттама: 1. Кабык жогорку сапаттардан жасалган ...
- Product Description Laboratory 1200 C Box Type Integrated Muffle Furnace 一、Description:Box-typeresistance furnacedesigned forindustrial and mining enterprises, universities, research instituteslaboratoriesas a chemicalelementanalysisandsmall pieces of steelhardening, annealing, tempering and otherhigh-temperatureheat treatment;It can be used for high-temperature heatingof metal, stone, Керамикалык тазартуу, таркатуу, анализдөө. 二, Продукт өзгөчөлүктөрү ● Бикбилиндик дизайн, Operat ...